Techniques for Managing AR-Enhanced Tourism Challenges AR is poised to
provide a huge advantage for travelers and tourists, but it has many
challenges to overcome before it is truly street-ready. AR tourism
developers need to account for the wide variety and capabilites of smart
devices in use, advances in device technology like depth-sensing cameras,
and more, in order to reliably present engaging experiences for the widest
range of travelers. The pipeline for such high-end AR apps is time-consuming
and multifaceted, especially when photorealistic assets are required for
historical accuracy and veracity. New and improved functions are always in
demand, such as mixed visual/conversational interfaces, attentive characters
with AI-assisted navigation, interactive maps, and engaging narrative and
gameplay. Developers of outdoor AR experiences face additional challenges
including marker recognition in varying weather and lighting, and precise
geolocation over large areas. For the user, this set of needs translates
into rapid battery consumption, and outdoor experiences do not necessarily
offer convenient recharging.