This talk is not your usual, run-of-the-mill, over-optimistic, start-up
This is not an overly detailed prediction of the future of VR (…that also
happens to coincide with our tech…).
Ofir, a super energetic, avid VR user and entrepreneur, is going to share
his analysis of the VR market and what we all need for VR/AR/MR to stick
(which is why he started galigu). We can’t tell you, here, what it is. We
can tell you what it’s not: not better tech (although, better tech is always
welcome); not cheaper devices/headsets (the few that are still expensive
will either drop prices or drop out); not better content (tons of great
content out there and more is flowing all the time). We promise this: it’ll
be new, it’ll be fun, it’ll be insightful.