Tony is a senior business and technology executive with thirty years of success leading transformational business initiatives and emerging tech product development. For the last eight years, Tony has provided thought leadership in AR, VR, wearable computing and Industrial Internet-of-Things solutions. He founded the Verizon Enterprise Solutions HQ Marketing Wearable Computing & Augmented Reality program, developing strategic partnerships and guiding conception of industrial & enterprise solutions including AR headsets/smart glasses. Tony also served as Development Director at one of the largest tech incubator/accelerators in the U.S. He was also Principal Investigator for Electric Power Research Institute (ERPI) studies on the use of mobile technologies supporting electric power generation O&M, and the use of Augmented Reality for nuclear power plant construction. He has authored 150+ technical reports, feasibility studies, business plans and research presentations. Tony holds multiple industry certifications including Data Security Solutions Certification from Verizon, is a member of IEEE, has a BS Engineering Technology (Texas A&M), a BS Mechanical Engineering / CAE (Univ of Texas), and coursework towards MS M.E. (Rice University).